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Contemplative Study

Contemplative Study

Part 2 Investigation - Body, Feeling, Mind

Sit silently before doing your contemplative practice.
Settle into the body, just breathe for a while, easing into the moment

Read the passage slowly and mindfully, letting the words seep into your mind and body as you start your sitting.

Then read again, listening to the audio file as you read.

body How does the body respond to the reading? Are there physical resonations with some of the words?

feeling or sensation Do you notice feeling tones, sensations of leaning toward or away from any of the content or any specific words?

Does a quality of mind follow or accompany the physical sensations? The inclination to move toward or away?

quality of mind Is there a way that the whole of your expereince resonates with any part of the text? And if so in what way? What do you notice?

During the day stay with the words the resonate for you.

Contemplative Study Compilation - @ 2007 Mary Rees

Contemplative Reading Schedule inspired by applications of Lectio Divino: ancient method of scripture reading used by Christian monastics, contemporary preparation strategy for Roman Catholic homilists, and Greg Kramer's adaptation for Dharma Contemplation.