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Creating and Clear Comprehension

Clear Comprehension (sampajjanna)

Creating and Clear Comprehension describe the movement of meditation or consciousness from passive to active, from stillness to action, without ego driven doing. Clear comprehension refers to very subtle movement - noticing thought and intention and making choices about processes. Creating is taking consciousness and spaciousness into living and action.

Creating Your Life is a course developed by Robert Fritz, which we use as a means to incorporate creating as part of spiritual practice. Combining these teachings with mindfulness, insight, and integrity we can meet Meister Eckhart's challenge of becoming co-creators - not by working hard, but through joy and play.

Prepare yourself for a creating course by developing your mindfulness practice. Though meditation practice is not a requirement of the course, it is an important support in the process. If you are new to mindfulness see a Insight and Mindfulness for our course options.

About Creating

Mary Rees

Mindfulness and a strong spiritual foundation are powerful ingredients for creating what is good for the world, for creating what we really want, and creating in line with our hearts deepest intentions - being active in the world without attachments to outcomes.

Non-doing to an extreme is Christian heresy of quietism.

Foundational teachings of Buddhist schools include 'non-doing' and 'no-self.' Creating may seem incongruent with non-doing and no-self, but this would be a misunderstanding of Buddhist teachings. The teachings of no-self are not nihilistic, but are instead a coming to new understanding. As one recognizes more and more subtle levels of conditioning, awareness arises, recognition of greater "mind" that is limited and defined by nothing - "no thing." You could say it the 'Good News' of the Buddha; and further, that the teaching is not incongruent with the message of Jesus.

Actually, the frontier in meditation teaching, especially for lay life, where lay practice must take the lead, is in applying non-doing and no-self teachings to action in life. As we do so we begin to skillfully use the mind. We create and we enrich life, rather than leaving or denying it.

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Insight and Creating

Insight is a natural result of holding dichotomous views or experiences. In facing the truth or life just as it is; in learning to not act immediately from logic alone, from emotions, or from total unconsciousness; in holding wholesome intentions; we can make space for something new to arise. And it does.

The more we practice and touch this experience the greater our faith. We learn to see insight or wisdom arise over and over again. We begin to find hope in any situation.

Robert Fritz similarly holds differences, but he does so in order to intentionally create. Initial steps of his teaching require the same kind of holding we learn to maintain in coming to insight. But to create we hold a very specific dichotomy, the difference between current reality and our visions or intentions (also an important spiritual practice). But with continued intentional attention and skillful alignment we can actually see results. If the alignment is wholesome the results are wholesome!

Creating Your Life

Creating Your Life is a five session course. The training includes principles and tools that will lead to
A richer more satisfying life
Discovering what is most important to you
Sustained and measurable personal growth
A clear path in accomplishing results that matter

We use videos, lead exercises, and coach you toward creating the life you want. You will have a bonus of integration of insight and mindfulness instruction to further energize and focus your process.

In Creating Your Life you will learn the basics of the creative process and implement them. You will learn how to:
Conceive what you want to create
Understand your starting point
Create energy and momentum to use in the journey
Work with time, choice, focus, and involvement
Learn from your mistakes and successes and from that of others
Bring more and more of your life-spirit into what you create

The course is based on Robert Fritz's book, Your Life as Art (a copy of the book and an accompanying workbook are included as part of this course) . Fritz is one of the worlds leading experts on the creative process and a pioneer in human development. Mary and Con Rees have been taking Fritz trainings since 1985 and are certified facilitators for the course. In this course Mary integrates Robert's teaching with short lessons in mindfulness and integrating mindfulness in all the days activities. She also offers the opportunity for course graduates to meet and deepen their creative capacity.
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