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Contemplative Study

Contemplative Reading

Part 4 Contemplative Living - Relationship to Personal Life

Now is the time to open fully to transformative wisdom...Recognize your capacity for freedom and allow yourself to be changed. -Greg Kramer

Now ask yourself how what you are reading and listening to relates to your life.

Does your interaction with the passage help free you from a sense of substantiality about the experiences - the body sensations, the feeling tones, the mind states, and the thoughts? Can an understanding arise that leads to less grasping, aversion, and vagueness in your life and experience.

This is also a a good time to journal about your experiences. consider writing about your life and the ramifications for you life in the new understanding that has arisen in your contemplative reading.

The act of writing about your experience contributes to changes in mind and feeling, but also to your brains response in related circumstances. You are changing not only your mind, but your brain!

Contemplative Study Compilation - @ 2007 Mary Rees

Contemplative Reading Schedule inspired by applications of Lectio Divino: ancient method of scripture reading used by Christian monastics, contemporary preparation strategy for Roman Catholic homilists, and Greg Kramer's adaptation for Dharma Contemplation.